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We enable life changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential in girls, non-binary, transgender and gender-diverse youth.

Planned Giving

Your Investment Will Change A Life

Be part of something BIG

The next time you update your Will, consider joining the Big Sisters Legacy Circle by leaving a legacy gift to Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland. 

Legacy giving is a meaningful and powerful way to support a cause you value. It can also provide tax relief for you and your estate. 

A legacy gift to Big Sisters ensures the continuation of our life changing mentorship programs, and enhances the lives of young girls throughout the community. It is an opportunity to make a difference and to give young girls a hand up and help them reach their fullest potential. 

View Big Sisters Legacy Brochure.

The following are some common legacy giving options. However, they should only be implemented with independent tax and legal advice.

Businesses may consider a percentage of profits or proceeds from the sale of an item.  Please reach out to Chelsea if you are interested in listing Big Sisters as one of you

Legacy Giving

Gift In Your Will

A simple and popular way to make a legacy gift is through your Will. You can specify a dollar amount, a particular asset, real estate, or a portion of your overall estate. Sample Legacy Clause: Gift of a Sum of Money “To pay to Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland the sum of $ .”

Legacy Giving

Life Insurance

Insurance can allow you to make a generous gift at a moderate cost. You can designate Big Sisters as the beneficiary of a new or existing policy. You can also gift and assign ownership of a policy to Big Sisters. Insurance proceeds paid directly to Big Sisters will not be subject to probate fees. Gifting insurance proceeds can also provide tax relief for you and your estate.

Legacy Giving

Publicly Traded Securities

Gifts of publicly traded securities can include shares, bonds and mutual funds. Gifts of this nature can provide a tremendous benefit to Big Sisters and your estate. If you donate securities to Big Sisters through your Will, your estate will not pay tax on any inherent unrealized capital gains.

Big Sisters can be designated as the beneficiary or your RRSP or your RRIF. This means the assets in the RRSP or the RRIF will pass directly to Big Sisters on your death, and will not be subject to probate fees. This option can also provide tax relief for your estate. Big Sisters can be designated as the beneficiary of your RRSP, your RRIF or your TFSA. This will allow the assets in the RRSP, RRIF or TFSA to pass directly to Big Sisters on your death, and not be subject to probate fees. This option can also provide tax relief for your estate.

Legacy Giving

Charitable Remainder Trust

Some people choose to retain the right to use property, such as their home, during their life, but direct that on their death the property is to pass to Big Sisters. Provided that certain conditions are met, this kind of gift can give the donor security in terms of the ongoing use of the property, and can also provide significant tax advantages.

Legacy Giving

Big Sister Legacy Circle

Leave the Legacy of Mentoring

Join Big Sisters Legacy Circle by including us in your Will. Your legacy is her future.

When you join the Big Sisters Legacy Circle and leave a gift in your Will, you become part of the transformative impact young, vulnerable girls need to thrive in the world. By ensuring the continuation of our life-changing mentorship programs, your legacy gives a hand up to girls who need it most, ultimately helping them reach their fullest potential.

Join our community of inspirational leaders in the Big Sisters Legacy Circle. Together we can ensure that every girl who needs a mentor, has a mentor.

Contact Us

For additional information about any of these legacy giving opportunities, please contact Antonia at or call 604-873- 4525 ext 316

Endowment Fund

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